The Prince's Destiny Read online

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  “These are my children; Satya, Rani, Mishri… Priya appears to have gone missing again. She’s always wandering off and getting into trouble,” Abhi laughed. Ravi couldn’t help but smile at the way he affectionately patted his children’s heads, although it left a strange stabbing in his heart too, as if a knife had been thrust into his chest.

  “And this is my father, Vineet. Ishwar makes the medicine for his joints,” Abhi continued, touching the shoulder of the old man Ishwar had been talking to earlier.

  “How do you do, young man,” Vineet said, to which Ravi politely nodded. “Are you Ishwar’s latest apprentice?”

  “You… you could say that…” Ravi said, trying and failing not to blush too hard. There was no way he could let anybody know what he and Ishwar were really doing. Especially such a kindly looking old man.

  “How is it going? Is he teaching you a lot?”

  “He’s… it’s fine. Learning lots of things,” Ravi said, his face turning even redder.

  “That’s good to hear,” Abhi said. “With this war approaching, we may need all the healers we can get. Ishwar has been teaching me about making potions, too, whenever he can. Just in case the war really does…” Abhi hung his head. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t speak of such things to a visitor.”

  “No, I understand. Everybody is worried,” Ravi said, looking over the village. Other than the children tailing Ishwar, everybody slunk about wearily. Ravi could practically see the grey auras hung over their heads.

  As he followed Ishwar on his rounds, handing out potions in exchange for shrivelled fruits, thin pieces of cloth, and skinny cuts of meat, each person they spoke to said much the same thing. And each time, it made Ravi worry all the more. He thought about kind-hearted Abhi or his children dying at the Empire’s swords, and it made him wonder if knowing his destiny would help at all. Perhaps there was nothing he could do to help them. Perhaps he was already too late.

  Chapter Four

  Ravi didn’t say a word for the entire journey back to the hut. Not even the warmth of Ishwar’s hand in his was enough to offer comfort. Thoughts of what he’d seen in the village and what Abhi had said to him plagued his mind and wouldn’t leave.

  Even when they arrived back, Ravi didn’t even bother to undress, as Ishwar did instinctively. He simply slumped onto the bed. There was nothing to stop him from ripping off his clothes and having more passionate sex with Ishwar. But at that moment, sex was the furthest thing from his mind.

  “About what Abhi told you,” Ishwar said, pacing towards him, “I understand why you’re concerned, but you really don’t need to worry about it. Of course they’re worried, but you don’t need to let their troubles become yours.”

  “But I do. I have to. Their lives are in my hands, and I’m lazing around here and having sex instead of doing anything useful,” Ravi said, burying his face into the blanket, which still carried the scent of their earlier lovemaking. That only made his guilt worse. How could he have allowed the pleasure to make him forget his duties to the Kingdom?

  His dark thoughts were interrupted by Ishwar taking a firm hold of him from underneath and pulling him up so that they faced each other.

  “Come,” he said. “We’re both sweaty from the trek. We could both use a bath. You can’t argue with me about that.”

  Ravi dragged himself up, biting his lip. It was true, he did need a bath. Both from the trek and from last night’s lovemaking, the glorious feeling from which had now vanished. It truly was difficult to argue against Ishwar when he used such inescapable logic against him. Sometimes the healer was too clever for his own good.

  A set of steps to the side of the hut led down to a small lake fed by a waterfall. Ishwar’s ward extended to it, meaning the water was clear and they could bathe without worrying about tigers, crocodiles, or even leeches. Or being disturbed.

  Normally Ravi jumped at the chance to bathe in the gloriously lush and peaceful lake. But this time as he left his clothes on the bed and descended the stairs after Ishwar, even the sight of his naked lover diving into the water couldn’t cheer him.

  He reached the bottom of the stairs and toed the translucent water, immediately drawing his foot back. The water was clear as a polished mirror, but it was still cold when first entering. Perhaps he wouldn’t bother with the bath after all.

  “Aren’t you coming in?” Ishwar asked after surfacing, the water running over his body. Ravi’s cock twitched a little.

  “I am,” Ravi said as he took another reluctant step into the water, drawing away again just as quickly. “Just give me a moment to-”

  Water soaked him so quickly that he didn’t even have time to flinch. He simply stood, drenched in cold water as Ishwar stood before him laughing, his arms poised to splash him again. How could a man so wise and so skilled in the arts of lovemaking be acting like such a child?

  “Do you really want to challenge me, shaman?” Ravi countered, stepping into the water without a care. “I’ve been trained as a warrior.”

  “Then come and face me, brave warrior,” Ishwar husked, grinning even further as he assaulted Ravi with another chilly wave. He didn’t know that Ravi had been playing these games in the palace gardens with his brothers and sisters since he was little. He didn’t know that Ravi knew just how to angle his arm to soak the man entirely. Ishwar shrieked, actually shrieked at the unexpected cold. Ravi laughed. Ishwar looked at him with a smile of relief, only to dodge Ravi’s second attack.

  Laughter escaped him uninhibited as he splashed and dodged, stumbling backwards until the water passed his waist, no longer caring for the cold. His foot slipped from underneath him, finding emptiness instead of the sandy bottom.

  “Careful!” Ishwar said, the playful look on his face vanished and replaced by one of concern as he stepped forward as quickly as he could through the water and grabbed Ravi. He pulled him close, wrapping his arms securely around his waist. “The water gets deeper there. I don’t want you to float away.”

  “Don’t worry. I know how to swim,” Ravi said, wrapping his arms and legs around Ishwar. “And I’m not going anywhere.”

  Brushing a hand through his soaked hair, Ravi pulled Ishwar’s face close to his and kissed him. It started out gentle, as they’d done earlier that day after their talk. Soon it turned deeper. Ishwar pulled Ravi closer, who tightened his legs around his waist and hooked an arm around his shoulders. Ishwar held him steady and firm in his strong arms, which felt as if they could anchor him there in that moment forever, always safe. Their cocks brushed against each other’s. Even after all the times they’d spent together and coming to know the feel of each other so well, feeling it underwater was something else entirely. Ravi sighed deeply with contentment as Ishwar’s hand drifted down his back to cup his buttocks.

  “Have I told you yet how much I admire this?” he asked, squeezing Ravi’s cheek.

  “Yes. Many times,” Ravi replied, his legs trembling at the attention. “But do tell me again, for I so like to hear it.”

  “I admire your tight rear so very much,” Ishwar said, swatting it slightly, even though the pain could barely be felt underneath the cool water. Ravi chuckled as he let a hand slip from Ishwar’s shoulder and snake into the space between their bodies. He took hold of Ishwar’s cock and pumped it in such a way he knew would give Ishwar such intense pleasure. Ishwar released his own hold on Ravi’s rear to take his cock in his own large hand. Even within the cool water, an immense heat grew inside Ravi’s body.

  They kissed and their hands moved together, squeezing, rubbing, brushing each other’s balls every so often. He heard Ishwar’s beguiling cries into his mouth and felt his body contort. He’d been with him enough times to recognise the signs that he was approaching his climax.

  Ravi abruptly released his lover’s cock, untangled his legs from his waist, and drew away from him. Ishwar looked to him with surprise as he released his own cock. Ravi grinned at him as he took a deep breath and dove beneath the water. He quickly found Ishwar
’s cock again, took a firm hold of his hips, and hungrily devoured it all at once. Ishwar’s arousal twitched in his mouth and his hands came below the water to grasp his shoulder and hair. Even though he couldn’t see him or hear his reaction, Ravi knew how Ishwar’s eyes must be widening and his cries of joy escaping him.

  He continued teasing as Ishwar spasmed. His grip on Ravi tightened. It took only a few more well-placed caresses of Ravi’s tongue until he climaxed. Ravi pumped his cock as he came, determined to prolong his orgasm for as long as he could. He finally released his cock, allowing the remains of his seed to spill uselessly into the water. He surfaced, just in time as he had been running out of breath.

  He was met with the desirable sight of Ishwar dazed and letting out guttural cries, staring at him with amazement.

  “Where… did you… learn that?” he panted as both his breath and his senses returned to him.

  “The pools in the palace gardens. We used to have contests to see who could hold their breath-” Ravi was made breathless again as Ishwar launched forward and kissed him, swirling his tongue in his mouth to catch the lingering taste of himself. Ravi lost his footing on the lake bed and would have drifted away if not for Ishwar’s strong arms around his shoulders.

  The kiss lasted far longer than usual, yet to Ravi it seemed to halt time until they broke apart again, looking into each other’s eyes then giggling like mischievous children.

  “That deserves a very special reward,” Ishwar said before lifting Ravi up until he was floating on the surface of the lake, his soaked body and erection exposed for all the world to see. Even though for that moment, the world was only the two of them.

  Ishwar pulled him close, bringing his groin level with his face. He licked his lips and stared huskily into Ravi’s eyes, his intentions clear. Ravi wrapped his legs around Ishwar’s shoulders, feeling his hands on him again as he was once again engulfed in the wet heat of Ishwar’s mouth. He’d felt the man’s mouth on his cock many times over the past few weeks and each time never ceased to send him to new realms of pleasure.

  His gaze remained fixed on his lover’s as he dipped his tongue into the slit, finding his most sensitive spots and using them to send him into a euphoric stupor. Ravi gasped and threw his hands out to grip something, finding only water. He floated, anchored by Ishwar’s hands as he took him deep into his throat. Ravi still had no idea how he could take his cock so deep inside his mouth without choking. But it felt amazing and it seemed to give Ishwar no pain or discomfort, so he didn’t dare argue.

  He moved up and down Ravi’s cock, letting his tongue drift across every sensitive vein, his lips brushing his skin. Then he devoured his cock again, making a swallowing motion with his mouth. The suction sent ripples through Ravi’s entire body and his orgasm swept over him, crashing like a wave. He spilled into Ishwar’s mouth, feeling a twinge of guilt even though the man had told him numerous times already that he enjoyed the taste of his orgasm.

  He finally released Ravi’s cock, falling with an audible pop from his mouth, still coated in his saliva.

  “That was…” Ravi breathed, too overcome to even finish his sentence.

  “Unbelievable,” Ishwar finished for him, releasing his body to allow him to float freely.

  Now returned to the world, Ravi took in everything that was around him; the scent of the flowers, the distant sound of bird calls, the peaceful rush of the waterfall, and Ishwar’s strong presence close by.

  “This place is wonderful,” he said. “Would that I could stay here for all time.”

  “You can’t,” Ishwar said, his voice stern again.

  “What do you mean?” Ravi asked, righting himself and planting his feet firmly into the lake bed once again.

  “If you stay in here much longer your skin will wrinkle,” Ishwar said, heading towards the shore. “Come, I’ll dry you off.”

  “Oh, of course,” Ravi said as he followed him.

  Even after such wonderful sex, even after all his earlier problems had been forgotten, even after sharing such blissful kisses with Ishwar, Ravi couldn’t shake the feeling as they left the lake and dried themselves in the sun that things had gone much farther than he had ever intended. And he already knew that couldn’t be a good thing.

  Chapter Five

  Ravi forgot the dream the moment he awoke. In his sleep-addled state, he could only recall fire and blood, and it shook him. He felt a comforting warmth by his side, turning to see Ishwar asleep in bed next to him.

  This was strange. Ishwar never slept at the same time he did. When he did, which didn’t seem to be often, he used a hammock on the other side of the hut so that Ravi could rest in the bed. He’d tried to protest, feeling guilty over stealing a man’s bed. But Ishwar had insisted harder and told him that he had to take care of his guest, especially after their physical excursions left him so exhausted. And Ravi always found it difficult to argue against Ishwar’s aggressive kindness.

  Still, it was comforting to feel the warmth of his body so close. As he moved closer, the dream was soon forgotten and the lingering fear inside him faded. He studied Ishwar’s sleeping face for a while, marvelling at the sight he hadn’t witnessed before. Or he would have, if Ishwar’s eyes hadn’t opened at that very moment.

  “I’m sorry,” Ravi said, inching away and trying to make it appear that he hadn’t been staring. “Did I wake you up?”

  “No. I just woke up from a dream,” Ishwar answered, stretching. The thin blanket fell from his naked muscles, still sheened in sweat from the previous night’s tryst. Ishwar had sent him into such a frenzy that he’d had to cling to his arms to remind himself where he was. The scratch marks still lingered on his skin, to his shame. “Why are you still awake?”

  “I had a dream too,” Ravi answered, looking away to the darkened jungle.

  “I see,” Ishwar said, inching closer to Ravi and raising an arm towards him. “Come here,” he whispered.

  Ravi looked to him again, hesitant for a moment before shifting into his arms, letting Ishwar stroke his back and whisper comforting words into his ear. How had he known that the dream had hurt him? How did he always know what he needed to hear or feel? Ravi felt an odd sense of guilt to be cradled in his arms like a child. He didn’t want to use Ishwar for comfort. It was bad enough that he was already using his body for gratification and to find out what course of actions he should take. He shouldn’t shoulder this selfless man with his pain, or the pain of the Kingdom. That was supposed to be his burden alone to bear.

  Yet Ishwar took it anyway. He held him and calmed him, even when he should be resting. Why did he always have to shoulder the troubles of others? Why couldn’t he be just a little selfish for once in his life?

  “Thank you,” he said regardless after the memories had passed and he simply enjoyed the warmth of Ishwar’s arms around him. “I’m sorry. For burdening you with this.”

  “It’s not a burden,” Ishwar said, brushing the hair which clung to Ravi’s forehead from sweat and placing a tender kiss there. “I know that many challenges face you in the future. I can’t be there to face them with you, but I can still take some of the pain from you.”

  “You shouldn’t have to…” Ravi said, burying his face into Ishwar’s chest.

  “I do it gladly. For whoever asks.”

  There it was again, the stab of pain in Ravi’s heart knowing that Ishwar had other lovers before him. And would have many more after he left. He pushed those thoughts aside for the moment.

  “Isn’t it hard for you?” he asked, distracting his jealous thoughts by stroking circles across Ishwar’s broad chest.


  “Knowing people’s destiny. Bearing the weight of their decisions. And… and using your body to do so…”

  “It is difficult at times,” Ishwar sighed, taking a firm grip of Ravi, almost as if he were seeking comfort from him in turn. “But I don’t mind shouldering those burdens for the good of others.”

  Ravi looked into his f
ace, fooling himself that he could really see the pain and burdens he’d been suffering. He placed a hand on his cheek, watching as his face softened, as if he really could take the man’s pain away, even if it were just for a moment. And he could forget his own burdens too. It could be just the two of them in each other’s arms, seeking mutual comfort and pleasure from each other. As if this dream wouldn’t die so soon.

  Ishwar’s hand moved from Ravi’s hair to his cheek. His own fingers flexed against Ishwar’s back, wishing to draw him closer. Ishwar’s gaze left his for a moment to glance down at his lips, licking his own. He knew Ishwar was about to kiss him. And that this one would be different than the many passionate kisses they’d shared over the past few weeks. It would be soft and slow and carrying many unsaid feelings.

  After that, they would make love under the stars. But it wouldn’t be like the usual intense sex he had become so familiar with. It would be soft and tender, yet leave them both trembling from the ecstasy. Just before he reached his climax, he would look deeply into Ishwar’s eyes and tell him-

  “Ishwar! Are you there?” Abhi’s voice broke through their haze. Snapped out of his dream for the second time that evening, Ravi looked from Ishwar to the hut’s entrance. “Ishwar, please, I need you,” Abhi called again. Clearly, he wasn’t going to enter the hut without permission. But the desperation in his voice was evident.

  “Wait a moment, Abhi,” Ishwar called to him, giving Ravi only a brief glance as they both rose to dress. “What’s wrong?” Ishwar asked him, appearing at the hut’s entrance once he and Ravi were fully clothed. Abhi climbed the final few steps, haggard and panting from a long run. Icy fear gripped at Ravi’s heart.

  “It’s Priya, my youngest. She’s sick. I don’t know what’s wrong with her. But earlier today, she brought this back with her,” Abhi’s words spilled out, handing Ishwar a flowering plant. The healer inspected it in the moonlight, a frown covering his face.